
2018 Impact Factor 2.364 Published for Aristotle University of Thessaloniki by BMC/Springer-Nature Open access journal ISSN 2241-5793 (Online) ISSN 1790-045 X (Print) Journal of Biological Research-Thessaloniki (JBRT) is an international scientific journal which has been published since 2004. At that period, it replaced the Scientific Annals of the School of Biology called BIOS. The Editorial Board members of JBRT originated from more than 10 countries around the world and cover all the major fields of Biology. JBRT has published more than 350 articles (research papers, reviews, commentaries, etc) after peer review. JBRT is indexed in major bibliographic databases such as WoS (Web of Science, ISI Thomson), SCOPUS (Elsevier), CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service), DOAJ (Directory of Open Access journals) and PubMed (NCBI). It has been included in Journal Citation Reports since 2007 and its impact factor has been increased ever since (IF = 2.364 for 2018). Since 2014-2015, JBRT is published for the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki by BMC/Springer-Nature. JBRT is an open access journal. For more details, please, visit JBRT homepage at https://jbiolres.biomedcentral.com/ |